mardi 29 mars 2016

Choose Medicinal Plants to Add to Your Garden

  1. Method 1

    Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 1
    Consider which medicinal plants you want to add. There are many varieties of medicinal plants to choose from.
    • Research the plants. Talk to your local gardening experts at the nurseries or garden centers where you buy your plants. Find out what they recommend.
    • Go online to find out how people use medicinal herbs and plants. Many holistic and alternative medicine websites will tell you what the plants can be used for, and how to use them.


  2. Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 2
    Add plants you will use. Consider some of the most popular medicinal plants used in gardens.
  3.  3
    Plant some aloe vera, especially if you sunburn easily. You can also use it to treat rashes, exczema and digestive problems.
    • Keep the aloe plants in direct sunlight. They grow best under full sunlight.
  4. Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 4
    Use peppermint in your garden, especially if you frequently have an upset stomach. It can also be good for bad breath, and it will make your garden smell pretty.
  5. Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 5
    Plant ginseng, which can be used to improve overall health. It is especially useful for nervous disorders, and it can help boost your immune system and provide greater stamina.


  6. Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 6
    Try planting Pot Marigold. Not only does it thrive in any soil condition, it can be used to treat bee stings and other insect bites, varicose veins, fevers and infections.

Method 2

Plant and Care for Your Medicinal Plants

  1. Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 7
    Find an area to plant. Take a look at your garden and determine where you will put your medicinal plants.
    • Plant your medicinal plants in different locations, depending on the amount of sunlight, shade and water they need. For example, aloe plants need a lot of sun, so you will want to plant them outdoors in direct sunlight.
    • Prepare an area specific for your medicinal plants. If you want to add medicinal plants to your garden but do not want to integrate them with your existing plants, dedicate a medicinal section.
    • Use containers for some of your medicinal plants. For example, sage does well when contained in a pot, and can be used as medicine for insect bites, mouth infections and indigestion.


  2. Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 8
    Purchase plants or seeds. You can get medicinal plants such as garlic, lavender, Echinacea, ginseng, licorice, elder tree, and hundreds of other varieties at your local garden shop or nursery.
    • Shop online for seeds if you prefer to have them mailed to you. You might find a greater selection on gardening websites such as, which is based in Oregon, or a wholesale supplier such as Most online retailers also have printed catalogues you can order from.
  3. Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 9
    Place your medicinal plant into the ground or their containers.
    • Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots and cover with soil.
    • Pat soil gently into place around the plant.
  4. Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 10
    Water your medicinal plants often enough to keep soil moist but not saturated.
  5. Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 11
    Prune your medicinal plants and keep them neat. Trim away any dead leaves and brush off pests such as insects. Replant those that outgrow their containers or pots. 
  6. Image titled Add Medicinal Plants to Your Garden Step 12
    Add any species of Echinacea to your garden for multiple medicinal purposes. It can treat wounds, bites, stings and allergies.



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